This is my bargain material i found at st vinnies there was about half a metre of the terry and a metre of the interlock. Not realy my colour but they turned out ok in these shorts and tops for the girls and cant complain for $2 LOL
The picture didnt turn out to good :(.
My eldest DD wanted me to make a paisley halter top so this is it.
She loves it but i think i have to alter it a bit as she gets perved on by grown men :O .
Well it took a while to add this so i will add the other pics later. This is my first attempt at shirring so i made the girls a simple wrap skirt with a frill around the edge and a shirred top to go with it. Im rather proud LOL
Thursday, November 02, 2006
This was meant to be a dress but measured wrong and it was a bit tight on her belly so made it into a skirt and top.
Well i thought i would try the blog thing for my sewing LOL. My main problem is taking the photos i always forget. I have done some sewing today but have them in the wash so i will post pics later of them . That is a nightie i made for a friends little girl.